Tuesday, January 8, 2013

One Shots: Cleared for take off

     Screenshots, EVE Online, Culture, Guild Wars 2, One Shots, The Secret World, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Miscellaneous(1)

     Virtual animals exist to serve us as transportation, neutral landscape scenery, or the occasional target practice. Here at One Shots, we encourage the additional practice of harvesting as many virtual livers from them as possible on the off-chance that a quest-giver demands them.  buy or sell GW2 items

     Reader John sent in this inspiring screenshot of a new friend he made in Star Wars: The Old Republic: "While Alderaan may be long and perhaps arduous as a planet, it has some absolutely gorgeous sights, and flying on the strange manta-ray beasts that carry you from base to base can be a wonderful experience."

    What other wonderful experiences exist after the jump? If you scroll past this post without clicking, you'll be driven mad with always wondering.

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