Monday, December 31, 2012

"Panda mystery 5.1 version soldiers Battle of various occupational detailed experience

  I Orc weapons of war, the mining, the head of the professional tailor, anti-halo gem, PVP equipped graduation, who ruby ??red force tough, yellow full-tough, gloves, belts no reward with yellow tough, shoulders pants enchant endurance single BUFF command 42W blood. Always wanted to write a detailed career duel experience 5.0 would have wanted to write, but because the version is too short, and I hit a lot of content results cafes computer error led to all content all gone so I did not write, see to the most recent doldrums soldiers district PVP, committed to taking the time to write a duel experiences.

1V1 is the basis of the PVP, although Blizzard claimed long ago abandoned 1V1, 2V2 balance, but I think the 1V1 is still familiar the PVP go the first step, all the conditions of the duel in use conditions Arena, so the total on birds, not to mention the rocket boots like.

Duel adhering to the Chinese principle of "no-first-use of weapons." Each other on birds I have the tortoiseshell to play down the other rocket boots I Frostweave network.

Ice method

Talent to dominate, harsh, Bladestorm, stormhammer.

Due to several versions of the continuous weakening of the ice with PVP Group fell, Please Do myth ice, not talk to me of what the law of God, hit the ice storm Hammer + windmill talent visited at least a dozen suits, play against each serving ice law expert, the skills of all skills off the hook add up to the Master to circle around the Earth. But keep in mind, you win not necessarily because you operate better than your opponents, the only version of the strong points only.

God gifted, hit back skills, to eat the frost ring + freeze set even strokes were killed, while the largest windmill purpose is to break the frost ring.


1: Master flash, do not immediately throw Storm Hammer, immunity may be out, but do not throw light interrupted a Ice bomb hammer, hammer must use the Master flash CD when finished throw the hammer flew close Meng fight a wave of injuries such as Master only pressure.

2: the first wave if you eat eight seconds of ice water element ring, you can not senki defend breaking a flag 3 minutes, the mage can hit you, you defend icebreaking ring Your senki of a 3-minute CD. Mages to read out the frost ring the frost ring into the CD, the open windmill immunity after 45 seconds of the second gas given off the frost ring frost ring badge broken frozen moment, 90 seconds after the read bar cream ring again windmill break this rhythm.

3: If the blood line is not high, the Master freeze a wave of open jewelry badge immediately, otherwise quite dangerous, as Master hands in her lap gas, hear the voice prompts gas given after stop all output retain Total CD and take a step back, the gas given frost ring windmill break like, as long as the hand speed is fast enough, 90% can top off the frost ring.

4: windmill should not be used to break the ice ring, very wasteful run out windmill eat ice ring + frost ring would be finished, open windmill close to maintain good harsh deceleration.

5: point the dominate, if you assault 4-3 seconds, himself did not slow down, anti-run strident can continue to cheat Master ice ring, and so enjoyed the CD at the same time, if you charge and fauna at the same time CD, assault in the past, the Master wave will be very hard to play hurt.

6: Master of the mirror is very brittle, mainly used for deceleration, whereas the mage now the deceleration Frostbolt Ice bomb, hair, Master kite you, and the mirror on your side, easily solved, But pay attention to stay anger, if you was driving a windmill on smoothly to 2 seconds to take away the mirror, but not to kill the mirror and a single open a windmill.

Rhythm skills windmill hammer talent play against ice method is completely suppressed even if the whole skill level of the law of God, there will not be too much pressure.


5.0 when due to the high outbreak of the Master, even if the 40W + blood soldiers eat pyrometallurgical Dragon's Breath + freeze + + frost ring back in time + Burning outbreak to kneel.

5.1 due to the rise of the Master weaken the outbreak, as well as toughness installed makes the outbreak of the fire method is not so horrible, but less than 35% eat the Dragon's Breath + the frost ring + frozen outbreak or duly and properly kneeling.


1: hands on Dragon's Breath frost ring, eat cream ring solution, or let him fight a wave of the outbreak is still very hurt behind the recovery can not be expected to raise blood. Solution after even Master hit you also eat 2 sheep, or more cost effective.

2: After the second Dragon's Breath CD so he sprayed, the key point is that the the Third Dragon's Breath, optimistic about the skills CD prompts third Dragon's Breath is a good time to 5 seconds after the frost ring, so please within 5 seconds maintain good deceleration, then the hand on the windmill, as long as the total of the CD does not turn, Dragon's Breath flew the windmill can break Dragon's Breath. Broken 20 seconds of this Dragon's Breath output environment, this wave must vigorously.

3: Assuming the third dragon breath after 20 seconds you still did not get rid of the Master, is about to usher in the the pyrometallurgical fourth Dragon's Breath, with the skills CD monitoring plug-in monitor good Dragon's Breath CD, the first time do not worry on the play optimistic about the hammer of the hands of the Storm, Intimidating a good CD, if the CD would gamble halo live the fear live while Dragon's Breath live, if they can survive this wave of winning big.

Pyrometallurgical difficult to play than the ice Dragon's Breath + frost ring, Dragon's Breath can not windmill break frost ring, and master fire method to play down the consolidated winning estimated Liucheng. The pyrometallurgical pressure is also a very large, you'll lose a Dragon's Breath careless MISS.

Destruction of surgery

Dominate the shock wave, bloody.

After the first analysis of the expense of destroying the playing soldiers kill point, Berserker Rage CD is to focus on blood fear, and then read the the Chaos Bolt force Chapter outbreak, Chapter decreasing blood fear, dead wrapped continue Chaos Bolt broke into the beheaded line 2 Burning away. Ordinary destruction technique does not know to grab Berserker Rage CD, so hit up the pressure, but the master of the expense of destroying grip Berserker Rage CD read Chaos Bolt, many soldiers to fight on the chaotic rhythm, after all, to see Chaos Bolt in his heart, read the article panicked.

1: The first blood fear of the first busy second solution, not read Chaos Bolt defensive posture hard to eat burned out and so you break the fear. The second blood fear, read Chaos Bolt, the first observation of the blood line, blood line security and Warlock did not open the black soul + jewelry then hard to eat a Chaos Bolt it anyway.

2: fear run away with blood, warlock read Chaos Bolt, Berserker Rage seconds solution, but do not use anti-shield, arrows assault interrupted by the chaos behind will eat dead wrapped ran away, this time charge in the CD, if before shield anti-pay only open the shield wall Chaos Bolt hard to eat, so eat the dead wrapped and then badge + Shield Anti-Chaos Bolt.

3: Rally cry or in the last 20% or less of the time to open, delay SS beheaded timing, monitoring good build-BUFF mental arithmetic assembled cry after the end of the blood line is less than 20% 1 second after the anti-shield Good luck can counter burning.

Battle destroy operation to ensure that not their blood line into the beheaded line, if the warlock blood line is less than 20% embers desperately to return to the blood, who advanced beheaded line of who is basically going to lose, after all, the warlock burning and The soldiers beheaded threat.

Devil surgery

Give me a column, I was able to Wynn Devil surgery, without pillars ... Devil surgery except evil DK warrior duel strongest rival one.

Perspective standing surgery the devil, and the soldiers duel basically nothing to pay special attention, nothing more than start ax throwing on deceleration casually injury, the devil sometimes do not need 35% or less and then lost, recruit directly out of the pressure of the blood line on the line. High anger Bosnia and Herzegovina soul + evil minions directly away. Even the shield wall + Sword + assembly, if not enjoyed the run away, could not carry the.

Play 1: If we are all graduating installed, you can not dawdle to fauna run away playing like to EU the Glyph hands 77 anger with anger cattle, with astonishment, first the gods talent, start defensive posture eat a throwing ax, after eating-for-battle stance. God + jewelry macro, tricks disabilities open skills first opened after the shock wave, Warlock control skills are handed best, full of anger after counseled not to fight injuries, open reckless outbreak eat dead wrapped around the second solution, it is important have a badge to prevent reckless during to eat dead wrapped + evil minion halo, after fierce injury Whether warlock back blood sacrifice contract immortal determination, to escape the circle, hit assault in the past used to play Portal run away fauna. Join because of the fighting fatigue, the warlock's back blood or the sacrifice shield has not 5.0 as horrible as it is feasible to directly fight injuries. Master require a relatively high output techniques as well as anger, full of anger reckless outbreak, first to maintain the a good Heroic Strike deceleration effect, and then the rest of the anger with a punch to fill giant death, Slam, Slam, Slam vent their anger, this set of full storm hit warlock can put warlock press dead in the immortal determination. Play can be completely disrupted the rhythm of the Warlock, the disadvantage is very dependent on the recklessness of five minutes.

Play 2: escape the flow of play in the arena mess, we must take a good column, holding a 35% return to full out to fight the wave of mentality, caught the devil intraoperative blood back skills gap period will be able to stable win, but will be playing for a long time. If the duel is playing like a bloody genius, the first wave of blood at least should warlock back, break out the dark deeds. Then stay fauna escape, do not think the the devil surgery rhythm slow, no outbreak Devil surgery once the dark soul + evil minion outbreak comparable to the destruction of the surgery, how far and quickly ran how far even ran so sometimes captive sometimes are back on the blood, drove the recovery of the shield wall, with a bloody genius delay escape the bloody + the jewelry CD, do not expect too much recovery blood back.

Battle master devil surgery the winning percentage is not high, the duel difficulty and the evil DK some a fight. In addition, if the escape stream of talented players devil surgery


Fighting, assassinations, sharp three-line have been learn, the thieves had to win only in the case of low-level fighters mistakes have a chance to thieves fragile physique, and soldiers hit the front roll rhythm. Vulnerable version makes even the thief God to maximize So much only beat thieves soldiers, please review their own.


1: the paralysis poison Shiv effect can be given the body, do not eat the attack + kidney + fixed body + demolition, this wave is Bust very hurt breakfast to plug senki aid care, while harsh deceleration live thieves wave assault back resort.

2: best strident talent, if it is stunned, once deceleration from the thieves who, while thieves opened the sprint, then, there is a large degree the MISS Sasser.

3: badge stay on the the thieves last wave of the outbreak, generally puzzled blinding, sword in person try not gathered together in open or thieves a blinding sword in, after the disappearance of the build-BUFF, isoplanatic decreasing the finished may be a wave killed.

4: If you are fighting thieves, Killing Spree sword in can be enjoyed.

5: The thieves who hung the bleeding, after the disappearance of the first reaction was strident.

6: Do To show yourself open outbreak can 5 seconds dead thieves, and spent a badge! Often so to the last loser.

Even in the face the thief God level thieves, serious fight, winning the same can be very high, version not vulnerable operation can make up for this is the fact.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Aion3.5 more residential appearance

    Change the residential appearance through residential bulletin boards or housekeeper, the residential appearance changes vouchers debut at the growth of the village village building to replace the administrator NPC purchase.


 independent residential appearance


 a higher level of residential appearance

 high-class residential appearance

luxury residential appearance

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"TERA" has so far announced the sale of the Western, the operators of the game does not seem optimistic. Initially, the game, like the previous all online games, has taken a massive publicity, so many players look forward to endless. However, the actual situation after the operator, the declining number of players in the server, as well as the game's North American publisher En Masse had to take measures first resorted to layoffs in the company after the merger game server. At present, this company seems to have been determined to efforts to make the game to survive in the Western gaming market. His players has been made to ensure the future of the game there will be more game updates, and join in the game in the form of a rich, improvisation small-scale events.
Recently, a foreign game media is the main person in charge of En Masse Chris Hager interview, he asked the question about the game combined server and game operator position.
Chris Hager First, the intent of the server. Answer, he said: "A lot of players think that if a game merge server, it is not optimistic that the current operating status of the game." TERA "is not such a case , our the merger game server to allow players to have a better gaming experience, better enjoy the game "TERA" In fact, as a business, we can quibble, use a variety of professional terminology confusing mass on the surface, to cover up the actual game operators, but in fact, who are not stupid, what your game operators, and we all know very well for us, the merger game server is re-befriend players, to show the quality of the game to the players an opportunity to bring us more players, and make it easier for players to find the team, can bring a prosperous economy for the game, then this is exactly what we are doing things. "
Chris Hager also currently operating on the game situation, and whether the future will be in transition free online games answered: "online games operator initial will out of the player's expectations, ushered in a large number of players to enter the server experience The climax of the game. merger game server is a way for us to ensure as much as possible for the players to bring the best gaming experience. Currently, we have not developed any immediately viable transition program of free game mode, but, as I have said, "TERA" in order to enable the better, whether commercial or on the quality of the game, we will continue to seek the best solution. (1) (2)

Friday, October 19, 2012

25 hero mode: the magic of ancient mountain treasure house of stone guards thieves fighting experience


First fighting talent is your best choice, BOSS blood symbiotic Blade Flurry can play its role, in a thieves VIP battle, you can enjoy the show of your DPS, but at the same time keep in mind not just harm the input of the role you play it, the use of super-maneuverability and strong self-protection, injury-free, moving bricks and Minesweeper are, you need to assume responsibility for the entire battle.

Glyph (key) is only mentioned in the following:

The impulse, feint is essential.

(Only mentioned in the following key skills):

The erratic (feint Free group hurt 80%), for a mobile, multi-range damage fighting it is the only choice.

The speed of the outbreak (lifting of restrictions on movement) Your name feint trip trap, it is to rescue your weapon.

Combat phase:

First suggestions hands open Blade Flurry, because the first time you touched BOSS start output must double target, hands standing the crystal near ready to move bricks, as much as possible to find activate king color crystal handling, too far need to cross the color handling, the open feint lowering treatment pressure.

The end of the first moving bricks, the opportunity to enter the first output, do not begrudge your skills, full bombers BOSS Note that the activation status of the current BOSS ice thunder and red connection, purple circle injury-free for the 80% of the thieves negligible.

The following Detailed the red connection as well as ice mine processing methods:

1. Red Connection:

Most of the early connection is not activated fire king, so they need you and another member of the rapid shortening of the distance to reduce harm to wait for the fire king activation pull off connection points to note here. General and treatment of connection, please yield to the treatment location, active in the controllable range close to the treatment, and then move together to re-output; normal Ranged DPS, the remote will lay down their hands close to you live the first time, accommodate each other special circumstances, this mechanism as hands tied game, you need to meet.

At the same time keep firing line distance to escape the the ice thunder and purple circle thieves Note that because the powerful presence of injury-free, the other band members try to accommodate as much as possible so that they comfortable and dodge purple rings, ice thunder.

2. Ice Mine:

Ice mine cause enough to spike melee damage, and the effect of the ice ring, field position bad ice thunder connection not take the initiative to break, pre recommend the feint trip out after the outbreak of the opening speed of the lifting of the restrictions, because the cloak to be multiple ice Ray left to break, to circumvent the effect of all the injuries in order to play.

Here particular attention to the points, the first trip to the ice thunder confirm the location of nearby party, ice thunder damage, restrictions may be nothing for you, but for others it may be a nightmare, the second in connection honestly keep their distance from the output BOSS, This is not your hero, your impulse may be to the rest of the team cause unnecessary trouble in a chaotic scene of BOSS station, to simplify the process is often the key to handling details.

Moving bricks:

Heroic, when the player is standing on the floor tiles in the room, these floor tiles from the in vivo amethyst, live body aquamarine, jade of in vivo and in vivo carbuncle absorb energy. Each dance floor is a layer of energy can be absorbed. House per block empowerment tiles can be made for each player access layer empowerment watts effect, giving the players and their permanent pet force it caused damage increased by 1%, 1% increase in spirit. The effect can be superimposed.

Vivo purple blue crystal:

Support amethyst guardian energy to form a crystal. The players will use this piece of crystal amethyst effect by in vivo. The 10-layer energy driving amethyst guardian tear your body. Each layer energy causing 6000 Shadow damage every 1 second. Players can be injected into the energy white floor tiles, for their empowerment.

Ice Blue Crystal vivo:

Support aquamarine guardian energy to form a crystal. The players will use this piece of crystal by the effect of in vivo aquamarine. Drive aquamarine guardian 10-layer energy tearing your body. Each layer energy causing 6000 Arcane damage every 1 second. Players can be injected into the energy white floor tiles, for their empowerment.

Vivo green crystal:

Energy support jade guardian form a crystal. The players will be piece of crystal sapphire effect in vivo. The 10-layer energy drive jade guardian tear your body. Each layer energy causing 6000 Nature damage every 1 second. Players can be injected into the energy white floor tiles, for their empowerment.

Vivo crimson Crystal:

Support ruby ??Keeper energy of formation of a crystal. The players will use this piece of crystal by vivo carbuncle effect. The 10-layer energy drive carbuncle Guardian tear your body. Each layer energy 6000 Fire damage every 1 sec. Players can be injected into the energy white floor tiles, for their empowerment.
Due to the effect of the presence of a specific person click activate BOSS same color crystal, covered the entire floor (BUFF superimposed gain to 120 or so as well), which is commonly known as the carry bricks.

Possible in the case of not in connection quickly move bricks to the BUFF stack up and improve the efficiency of the whole group than you output more than a few down too, moving bricks please fill the crystal lattice around, and then again BOSS moved in the direction of a click crystal outwardly.

Output details:

This is a multi-target rotation BOSS battle, your impulse with the Shadow Blade, each outbreak provided enough DPS If possible, keep the feint, reducing all damage taken by you, the treatment has been busy enough.

The more output details Detailed longer, BOSS thieves VIP No. 1 is more than reflected in DPS, often you can give the team greater help in other places.